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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Colorful Creatures

Ron and Mrs, Newton discovered these colorful creatures today with Cara and her mother. Do you know the name of these creatures? More importantly, can you guess where these were discovered?


At April 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't imagine you will be able to identify these completely, but maybe you can tell what kind they are - in general. They are small fish that like to live in riffles, that broken water where the stream seems to rush fast and bubbly over stones.

These colorful fish are so beautiful and I wish I could have taken all of you netting to catch them. We found four species of this kind of fish in Village Creek. Some of them are pretty much intolerant of pollution, so they are good indicators that Cara's Creek (Village Creek) is pretty healthy. Cara also found lots of mayflies, another indicator of healthy water.

I go netting with kids alot over on the Darby River in Ohio. We catch quite a few of these fish on that famous stream. It is one of America's most incredibly healthy streams and is full of life. I think Cara's stream is also a water of great importance to America and ought to be renamed in her honor. At least, when people ask me, I'm going to call it Cara's Creek. Or maybe I'll just write a book........It Takes a Cara to Raise a Healthy Village Creek.........

Your Friend, Ron

At April 25, 2006, Blogger Mrs. Newton said...

These were beautiful darters.

The darters look like they should be in an ocean because they are so colorful.

The darters have so many colors they look very bright. I'm glad the water is healthy for them.
Jacob B.

At April 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here in Washington we have a State Fish, the Steelhead. I wonder if Indiana has a state fish? If not, how about a Beautiful Darter! Good name for a fish from Cara's Creek.


At May 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aloha Cindy and Students!

I am in Ohio working with kids at Wyandot Elemtary in Dublin. Not all that far from you. We have been netting fish and other water animals in a pond this week so I thought of all of you, Cara, especially.

I also wanted to let you know that the Society of Children's book Writers is writing an article about what you have done.

I hope we can all stay in touch and help other kids learn more about their water world by talking with one another about what they discover in their community.

Today, we caught a great big catfish and a bunch of bullfrogs! How Fun!

Your Friend, Ron

At May 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The snail we found in creek the day we were with you has
reproduced! We now have 5 baby snails sliding around the glass on the fish tank.
What is most fascinating is that they each manufacture their own little shells. It
has been interesting to watch. Do snails lay eggs, and are they asexual? This has been most
fascinating because there is only one "Mommy" snail present.

At July 12, 2006, Blogger Mrs. Newton said...

Mr. Herrington,
Yes, Ron Hirschi is an extraordinary person and author. Thank you for the words of encoragement on the blog. My students have greatly enjoyed it and learned so much. I see that you are beginning a classroom discussions blog. I think you will find it to be a great communication tool.

At September 27, 2010, Blogger Mrs. Newton said...

Hi, Ron. Hope all is going well. I think of your trip to Indiana often.


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